Surrealism & The Problem of Meaning
Meaning is a huge problem today, especially in ad land, because it frequently changes. Signs and symbols come to mean different things, especially with such rapid social change e.g. stereotypes, thanks to the internet/social media.
In the above print advertisement for Heinz ketchup, the signifiers include a vivid red backdrop, a classic bottle of Heinz ketchup horizontally sliced with a tomato on top, and white text reading “No one grows ketchup like Heinz.” While a seemingly simple advertisement, the combination of text and picture reveals insight into the values of the targeted consumer. Ketchup is generally loaded with sugar and preservatives, however the ketchup bottle, sliced like a ripe tomato, signifies freshness. The marketers behind this campaign attempt to redefine the ingredients in ketchup by transforming the bottle into a healthy fruit. Ketchup is made in a factory and by any means isn’t “grown,” however the text reads, “No one grows ketchup like Heinz.” Again, the marketers transform a sugary condiment into a wholesome, raw ingredient. In doing so, advertisers attempt to assign a “healthy” connotation to ketchup. Not only are advertisers attaching a nutritional aspect to ketchup, they are redefining ketchup– perhaps in an attempt to promote a healthier way of life.
By transforming the Heinz ketchup bottle into a garden-fresh tomato, it seems as if the marketing team is reacting to the somewhat recent push from the government to decrease preservatives, fat, and sugar in our food. Whether Heinz actually changed the ingredients in its ketchup while this campaign launched is unknown, but regardless this ad appeals to those looking to eat better quality foods. In fact, the advertisement depends on people looking to replace sugary foods with wholesome ingredients in order to follow a healthier lifestyle. Whether that is mothers’ looking for healthier ingredients for their children or young women looking to cut out preservatives, this ad appeals to those looking to make healthier eating choices It is interesting because the advertisement doesn’t speak to a specific age or gender. It’s universal in terms of its content, however it is dependent on the social context of today with pressure on large food corporations to make their products healthier. However, if the consumer doesn’t care about preservatives or a healthier diet, then this ad is completely irrelevant and doesn’t speak to that demographic.
By transforming the Heinz ketchup bottle into a garden-fresh tomato, it seems as if the marketing team is reacting to the somewhat recent push from the government to decrease preservatives, fat, and sugar in our food. Whether Heinz actually changed the ingredients in its ketchup while this campaign launched is unknown, but regardless this ad appeals to those looking to eat better quality foods. In fact, the advertisement depends on people looking to replace sugary foods with wholesome ingredients in order to follow a healthier lifestyle. Whether that is mothers’ looking for healthier ingredients for their children or young women looking to cut out preservatives, this ad appeals to those looking to make healthier eating choices It is interesting because the advertisement doesn’t speak to a specific age or gender. It’s universal in terms of its content, however it is dependent on the social context of today with pressure on large food corporations to make their products healthier. However, if the consumer doesn’t care about preservatives or a healthier diet, then this ad is completely irrelevant and doesn’t speak to that demographic.

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